Chiropractic Care Services in Mount Laurel, NJ

Freedom From Pain

Chiropractic Care Through a Variety of Techniques

Muscle testing evaluates body functions, identifying potential issues with related organs or tissues. Our doctors swiftly implement corrections, leading to immediate improvements in overall well-being.

Traditional Adjustments

The Nervous System is made up of the brain, spinal cord and all the nerves throughout the body. For the body to function normally, the brain must be able to channel “job orders” to the various parts of the body. If there is any interference in communication the body breaks down. Chiropractic techniques realign the 24 moveable segments of the spinal column to restore proper communication within the Nervous System.

Applied Kinesiology (AK)

Through the use of muscle tests, normal and abnormal body functions can be evaluated. When a muscle weakness is encountered it reveals a possible trouble with the organ or other tissue on the same nerve, vascular, and nutritional grouping. The doctor can pinpoint the “controlling” factor which may be at fault. Corrections can be immediately implemented restoring improvement in the muscle test.

Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC)

Advanced BioStructural Correction™ represents a significant breakthrough in natural, nonsurgical body structure correction. With ABC™, clients experience immediate improvements in physical capabilities they haven’t enjoyed for years, thanks to the method’s consistent and predictable ability to correct body structures. This correction results in upright posture effortlessly maintained, a clear indicator of ABC™’s unique efficacy compared to other methods, making it the sole treatment ensuring structural correction and lasting results.

Body Restoration Technique (BRT)

Body Restoration Technique is a method of locating and removing energy blockages. BRT uses the body reflex points, similar to acupressure points. A blockage of these reflex points can occur if an organ is stressed. The organ then loses its ability to function at 100%.  BRT assess these circuits to find the location and then corrects it. Results can be seen within minutes after a treatment.

Our Mission is to Restore Your Full Potential Enabling You to Achieve Your Goals…Naturally!

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January 2025 Complimentary Consultation In our continuing quest to introduce more people (including children) to the benefits of chiropractic care […]

December 2024 Complimentary Consultation In our continuing quest to introduce more people (including children) to the benefits of chiropractic care […]

Complimentary Consultation In our continuing quest to introduce more people (including children) to the benefits of chiropractic care we are […]

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