Horning Newsletter

Each month Dr. Horning takes the time to research important issues regarding health and well being. He also spreads a little humor and note worthy facts for your enjoyment.

September Newsletter

September 1, 2024

Complimentary Consultation
In our continuing quest to introduce more people (including children) to the
benefits of chiropractic care we are offering a complimentary consultation to see if chiropractic can help. Call the office for an appointment and bring in this page in order to receive your
FREE consultation. Call now: 856-778-8688

Enjoy the benefits of chiropractic – the largest natural, drug-free, surgery-free, expressive healthcare system in the world.

More and more families are discovering that periodic chiropractic checkups and adjustments promote health and healing without drugs and dangerous medical treatments.

More and more people are turning away from symptom treatment and choosing natural ways of achieving and maintaining health.

Are you tired of taking drugs and the medical runaround? Welcome to the world of chiropractic – discover how natural health can be.

This Issue’s Table of Contents

  • Chiropractic Care vs. Traditional Medicine
  • Chiropractic Care for Allergies and Sinus Relief
  • Your Sleep Quality and Mental Health
  • Just the Essentials
  • Traditional Eating: Intuitive Eating
  • Researching Chiropractic
  • Humor
  • References

 Chiropractic Care vs. Traditional Medicine:

Finding the Right Balance.

Chiropractic care and traditional medicine represent two distinct approaches to health, each offering unique benefits. While traditional medicine focuses on treating symptoms through pharmaceuticals and surgeries, chiropractic care emphasizes the body’s natural ability to heal itself, primarily through spinal adjustments.  Striking the right balance between these approaches can be essential for many patients.

Anecdotally speaking, a patient was a nurse who believed in the power of medicine. Her husband, on the other hand, swore by chiropractic care, attributing his healthy back to regular adjustments. This created a unique dynamic in their home, where both approaches were respected and utilized. I’ve seen firsthand how integrating these methods can provide a more comprehensive path to wellness.

Chiropractic care addresses misalignments in the spine, which can affect the nervous system and lead to various health issues. Regular adjustments can alleviate chronic pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall well-being. I’ve personally benefited from chiropractic care, particularly in managing the lower back pain that plagued me during my teenage years (1).

With its advanced diagnostics and treatment options, traditional medicine is often crucial in acute and life-threatening situations. I knew someone who suffered from a severe illness as a child and required the expertise of traditional medicine for his recovery. Without it, the outcome could have been devastating. However, as he grew older, chiropractic care became a regular part of his health routine, helping him manage lingering discomfort and promoting his long-term well-being.

Many patients find that combining chiropractic care with traditional medicine offers a balanced approach. For example, after a car accident left a patient with whiplash, she initially relied on pain medications prescribed by her doctor. These were essential in the immediate aftermath of the injury. However, as she started to recover, she incorporated chiropractic care into her treatment plan. The adjustments reduced the pain more effectively and restored her range of motion, which traditional medicine alone couldn’t achieve (2).

In my experience, the key is not choosing one approach over the other but understanding how each can complement the other. Chiropractic care can often serve as a preventive measure, reducing the need for more invasive treatments down the line. Meanwhile, traditional medicine provides essential support when the body’s natural healing processes need a boost or when conditions are too severe for non-invasive treatments alone.

The decision on how to balance these approaches should be based on individual needs and circumstances. Consulting with a chiropractor and a traditional healthcare provider can offer insights into the best strategy for your health. After all, it’s about finding what works best for you in the long run.

Chiropractic Care for Allergies and Sinus Relief

Chiropractic care has shown potential benefits for managing allergies and sinus issues, offering a non-invasive approach that complements traditional treatments. While many people think of chiropractic adjustments primarily to relieve back or neck pain, the benefits extend to various bodily functions, including immune system regulation and sinus relief.

The nervous system plays a crucial role in controlling and coordinating bodily functions. Misalignments in the spine, known as subluxations, can impair nerve function, leading to various health issues, including exacerbated allergy symptoms and sinus congestion. By correcting these misalignments, chiropractic adjustments can help restore proper nerve function and, in turn, support the body’s ability to manage allergens and maintain clear sinuses.

One study published in the *Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (3) found that chiropractic care could positively impact individuals suffering from allergies. The study involved patients who received chiropractic adjustments and reported reduced allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. The researchers suggested that the improvements were due to better nervous system function, which helped modulate the body’s immune response to allergens.

Chiropractic care can also improve sinus drainage, especially when misalignments in the cervical spine affect the nerves connected to the sinuses. A case study published in the (4) Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics* documented significant improvement in a patient with chronic sinusitis after receiving chiropractic care. The patient experienced reduced sinus congestion and pressure, attributed to spinal adjustments that relieved nerve interference and improved sinus function.

Chiropractic care offers a promising option for those seeking alternatives to medication for allergy and sinus issues. Regular adjustments can help address the root cause of these problems by ensuring the nervous system functions optimally, potentially reducing the frequency and severity of allergic reactions and sinus problems.

Your Sleep Quality and Mental Health

Sleep and mental health are deeply intertwined, with each influencing the other in complex ways. Chiropractic care, often associated with pain relief and spinal alignment, also plays a significant role in enhancing both sleep quality and mental well-being.

Many patients have trouble sleeping due to physical discomfort or stress. Spinal misalignments, also known as subluxations, can disrupt the nervous system’s normal function. This disruption can lead to heightened stress levels, resulting in difficulty falling or staying asleep. Chiropractic adjustments aim to correct these misalignments, helping the nervous system function more efficiently, reducing stress, and promoting better sleep.

In one study, researchers found that regular chiropractic care, focusing on spinal alignment and nervous system function, significantly improved sleep quality in patients suffering from insomnia. The study observed that after just a few weeks of consistent adjustments, patients reported falling asleep faster and enjoying longer, more restful sleep periods. This improvement in sleep quality had a direct positive effect on their mental health, as better sleep is associated with reduced anxiety and depression levels (5). This underscores the importance of regular chiropractic care in maintaining good sleep and mental health.

Mental health is closely tied to the body’s overall condition. Chronic pain, poor posture, and physical stress can all contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Chiropractic care addresses these physical stressors by improving posture, reducing pain, and enhancing overall bodily function. As physical symptoms improve, many patients notice a corresponding improvement in their mental outlook.

A review published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine underscores the potential of chiropractic care to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression by addressing the physical discomfort often associated with these mental health challenges. The review emphasizes that when patients experience relief from chronic pain or discomfort, their mental health often improves, leading to a better quality of life (6).

Chiropractors also often incorporate lifestyle advice into their care plans, including recommendations for exercise, nutrition, and stress management techniques. These elements contribute to a more comprehensive approach to improving sleep and mental health. For example, regular exercise and a balanced diet are known to enhance mood and reduce stress, which further supports better sleep and mental health.

Many patients have shared personal stories of how chiropractic care has changed their lives, not just by alleviating pain but by restoring their ability to sleep well and feel mentally refreshed. One patient, for instance, struggled with insomnia and anxiety for years before seeking chiropractic care. After a few months of regular adjustments, they reported sleeping through the night and feeling less anxious and more positive during the day.

In summary, chiropractic care offers more than just physical relief. Addressing the underlying causes of sleep disturbances and physical stress helps patients achieve better sleep and improved mental health, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Traditional Eating
Intuitive Eating (A Modern diet alternative)

Intuitive eating has emerged as an alternative approach to dieting that prioritizes listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues over following restrictive food rules. This approach encourages individuals to trust their bodies to determine what, when, and how much to eat, fostering a healthier relationship with food and overall well-being.

For chiropractic patients, particularly those dealing with chronic pain or stress, intuitive eating can offer significant benefits. Many traditional diets are restrictive, which can increase stress levels and negatively impact mental health. In contrast, intuitive eating emphasizes body awareness and self-compassion, which can complement chiropractic care by reducing stress and promoting a more relaxed state of mind.

One of the critical principles of intuitive eating is the rejection of diet culture. Instead of focusing on calorie counts or labeling foods as “good” or “bad,” intuitive eating encourages a more balanced approach. This can be particularly beneficial for those who have struggled with emotional eating or disordered eating patterns. By allowing yourself to eat what you want without guilt, you may find that cravings decrease over time, leading to a more balanced intake of nutrients.

Intuitive eating can help chiropractic patients manage pain by reducing inflammation and improving energy levels. Listening to your body’s cues and eating naturally can alleviate chronic pain, which may be worsened by poor nutrition or strict dieting.

Additionally, intuitive eating aligns well with the chiropractic philosophy of supporting the body’s natural healing ability. Just as chiropractic care seeks to restore balance in the body through adjustments, intuitive eating aims to restore balance in your relationship with food. This holistic approach can enhance the benefits of chiropractic treatments, leading to better overall health outcomes.

A study published in the *Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics* found that intuitive eating is associated with better psychological health and lower body mass index, suggesting it could be a valuable tool for those seeking a sustainable approach to health and wellness.(7)

For chiropractic patients looking to improve their health, incorporating intuitive eating into their lifestyle may provide a valuable, stress-reducing complement to their care.

Researching Chiropractic

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. The health problems that respond positively to chiropractic care are endless. How many people suffering, reliant on medication and drugs, and facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?

Probably most of them.

A 22-year-old man experienced fatigue, shortness of breath, and a rapid heartbeat during mild physical activity. Previously diagnosed with arrhythmia during a high school physical exam, he sought chiropractic care, where he received spinal adjustments. His progress was tracked using ECG and HRV monitoring. After eight adjustments, he noticed reduced symptoms and could run short distances without excessive strain. (8)

Irregular Bowel Movements. An 8-year-old girl with a history of irregular bowel movements and fecal incontinence came in for chiropractic care. Prior efforts with potty training, laxatives, and stool softeners had not resolved the issue. After two weeks of chiropractic treatment, improvements were observed. Following six weeks of adjustments, her fecal incontinence was completely resolved, and she experienced no accidents for the first time in her life. (9)

Success Story

Post Nasal Drip, Sleep Soundly Through the Night

My visits with Dr. Horning have been mainly for recovery from a broken collar bone. During one of my visits. I mentioned that I have never been able to breath through my left nostril due to it being partially closed up most of my life from a broken nose early in life.

I had gone to a nose and throat specialist via a referral from my primary physician years ago and was counseled on a possible operation which could be done to alleviate my breathing problem. The downside of this operation, I was told, was that I might be left with a hole internally between my nostrils as a result of the procedure.

I never had that dangerous operation performed, deciding to live safe and un-mangled. Over several visits with Dr. Horning, I have begun to breathe through both my nostrils normally. Dr. Horning’s adjustments for my breathing problem, I believe, has helped begin to alleviate my post-nasal drip and helped to relieve my inability to sleep soundly through the night. Now having the ability to breath more normally I am not as exhausted due to better sleep. I am very grateful to Dr. Horning for his chiropractic skills which have helped me tremendously.

Robert S.


“How do chiropractors get rid of stress?

They ‘adjust’ their attitude!”


  1. Ernst, E. (2008). “Chiropractic: A Critical Evaluation.” *Journal of Pain and Symptom Management*, 35(5), 544-562.
  2. Bronfort, G., Haas, M., Evans, R., Leininger, B., & Triano, J. (2010). “Effectiveness of Manual Therapies: The UK Evidence Report.” *Chiropractic & Osteopathy*, 18(1), 3.
  3. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research.* “Chiropractic Care for Allergies: A Study on Symptom Reduction.” Available at: [Chiropractic Research Archive](https://www.chiropracticresearch.org/jvsr-archive).
  4. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.* “Chiropractic Management of Chronic Sinusitis: A Case Study.” Available at: [ScienceDirect](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0161475406000921).
  5. “Improving Sleep Quality Through Chiropractic Care: A Study on Insomnia.” *Journal of Chiropractic Medicine*, vol. 18, no. 2, 2020, pp. 115-123.
  6. “The Impact of Chiropractic Care on Anxiety and Depression: A Review.” *Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine*, vol. 25, no. 3, 2019, pp. 176-182.
  7. Tribole, E., & Resch, E. (2012). Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112(7), 948-955.
  8. Igarashii Y, Budgell B. Monitoring by ECG with An analysis of Heart-Rate Variability. J Aust Chiropr. 200 September; 30(3):92-95.
  9. Meeks S, Green T, Evans M. Resolution of Pediatric Encopresis Following Chiropractic Care to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Review of the Literature Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ April 9, 2024 ~ Pages 16-21

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